Buy a vehicle online!

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Buy a vehicle online!

The easy way to buy a vehicle!

If you know what you want, we can deliver in our region/zone. Designated specialists hand walk you through your entire experience making sure you are satisfied throughout the whole process and equally satisfied after your purchase!  

We can take a video of any vehicle that you are interested in whether it is a new Volkswagen, pre-owned, certified pre-owned.  Youtube, Facetime you decide.

Roussel Volkswagen wants to make your car buying experience unique and satisfying. We can do some, or all, of the leg work at your convenience (credit applications, picking out your vehicle, accepting the final numbers).

Roussel Volkswagen will bring any new vehicle to look at (no test drives) for you to within a 40 km radius of our store (please email a copy of your current insurance card and valid driver's license). If you love the vehicle and agree on terms, you might not have to step foot in the store until your next service appointment.

Don’t worry, you still receive the amazing perks of an in-store customer:

  • Expedited Delivery 
  • Onsite and online loan approvals
  • CarFax report on pre-owned vehicles
  • TV lounge with flat-screen – when you come in for service in the future
  • Wi-Fi - when you come in for service

Good, bad, okay credit are no worries at Roussel Volkswagen.

We have an on-site Credit Expert who can get you financed regardless of your credit history. 

Call 622-7091 or

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